Over 50 classes of artisans are available to quote and bind.
Admitted and non-admitted markets available, A-rated.
Inland Marine coverage is available for selected products.
Blanket Additional Insured and Waiver of Subrogation are available.
Canine Liability
Schedule multiple dogs, with many liability limits to choose from.
Will write aggressive breeds, and canines with a bite history.
Off-leash and off-premises coverage options are available.
Additional insureds available.
Special, Broad and Basic forms available.
Replacement cost and actual cash value basis are also available.
Wide range of property values will be considered, with wind coverage available in many areas.
Nearly 500 class codes available to primarily retail, restaurant, office, and habitational.
Offering blanket additional insureds for $150.
This product is written with an “A-XV” rated carrier.
Jewelry, Fine Arts & Collections
Schedule all of your customers valuable possessions.
Vacant or unoccupied commercial or residential buildings in good condition.
Policy periods of 1 to 12 months.
General liability limits of $1M occurrence, $2M aggregate, with no deductible.
This product is written with an “A-XV” rated carrier.
Builders Risk
Commercial or residential structures newly built or under renovations.
Policy periods of 1 to 18 months.
This product is written with an “A-XV” rated carrier.
Commercial Auto Liability
Over 800 Classes are available for quoting and binding
Combined Single Limits up to $1M
Up to 10 vehicles can be quoted
Coverages & Endorsements include:
Hired and Non-owned Liability
Rental Reimbursement
Drive Other Car
Commercial Package
Package our General Liability product with our Property product and get a great Package policy to provide to your client.
Coverage limits from $250,000 to $1,000,000. Above $1M limit, is on a submit basis.
Wind capacity in select counties, without restrictions on distance to coast.
Wide range of Coverage B, C & D limits, and wide range of deductible options.
Seasonal homes, secondary homes and homes titled in LLC, trust or corporation are acceptable.
Personal liability limits range from $100,000 to $1,000,000.
This product is written with an “A-XV” rated carrier.
Transportation Products
Auto Physical Damage, Motor Truck Cargo
Excess APD, MTC
Truckers General Liability, Contingent Motor Truck Cargo, Non-Trucking Liability
All Commodities considered, including Auto, Boat, & Home Haulers, Household Movers.
Our internet-based system allows you to rate, quote, and bind various lines of insurance coverage 24 hours a day. We offer the following products both offline and online.

Amelia Underwriters is licensed and operating in 41 states in the United States.
